Dilek HuseyinzadeganAssociate Professor
- PhD, DePaul University, 2012
- Women's and Gender Studies Graduate Certificate, DePaul University, 2012
Current Work
Dr. Huseyinzadegan is working on a new project on political freedom critiquing the liberal tradition. She serves as the Philosophy Advisor and Co-Editor of the Turkish Translations of Intellectual Biographies Series (Cambridge University Press and Is Kultur Yayinlari), and of Charles Mills' The Racial Contract (Cornell University Press and Patika Yayinlari).
Kant, History of Philosophy (17-18th Century Atlantic Thought), Social and Political Philosophy, Continental Theory, Feminism, and Post- and Decolonial Thought
- Emory College - Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry Senior Fellow (2022-2023)
- Emory University Research Grant (2016)
- Emory University Campus Life Award for Superlative Service (2015)
- DAAD (2008)
- DePaul University Undergraduate Mentorship Award (2007 and 2010)
- DePaul University John F. Richardson Study Abroad Grant (2006)
"On Black Radical Kantianism: A Story of Grief as/and/or Gratitude" Radical Philosophy Review Remembering Charles Mills December 2023. Link
Kant's Nonideal Theory of Politics (Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 2019). More information here.
"For What Can the Kantian Feminist Hope? Constructive Complicity in Appropriations of the Canon," Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4/1 (2018): Article 3.
"Between Necessity and Contingency: A Critical Philosophy of History in Adorno & Horkheimer's Dialectic of Enlightenment." Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 22/2 (2018): 469-488.
"Kant's Political Zweckmässigkeit" Kantian Review 20/3 (2015)