Arash AbazariAssistant Professor
PhD, Johns Hopkins University (2017)
M.A., University of Essex (2008)
19th Century German Philosophy (especially Hegel), Social and Political Philosophy
- Hegel’s Ontology of Power: The Structure of Social Domination in Capitalism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020
This book was subject to a written Author Meets Critics Panel in the Hegel-Bulletin, 43(2), 2022.
The book was reviewed in: The Philosophical Quarterly, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, Hegel-Studien, The Owl of Minerva, Antítesis-Revista iberoamericana de estudios hegelianos, Agora, Argumenta Philosophica, Philosophy in Review
Research Articles:
(1) "Opposition Instead of Recognition: The Social Significance of the Determinations of Reflection in Hegel’s Science of Logic," Philosophy and Social Criticism, 44(3), 253-277 (2018).
(2) "Hegel’s Schein as Ideology of Equality and Freedom in Capitalism," Hegel Bulletin, 40(2), 257-280 (2019)
(3) "Marx’s Conception of Dialectical Contradiction in Commodity," Hegel Bulletin, 42(2), 180-200 (2021).
(4) "Fichte’s Concept of the Body: The Intertwining of Sociality and Embodiment," European Journal of Philosophy, 30(4), 1488-1503 (2022).
(5) "Reading Philosophy of Right in Light of the Logic: Hegel on the Possibility of Multiple Modernities," in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right: Critical Perspectives on Freedom and History, ed. Dean Moyar, Kate Padgett Walsh, and Sebastian Rand, London: Routledge (2022).
(6) "Marx and Poverty," in The Handbook of Philosophy and Poverty, ed. Gottfried Schweiger and Clemens Sedmak, London: Routledge (2023).
(7) "Politische Handlung und Hoffnung auf den Sozialismus: Eine Kantische Perspektive," Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie (forthcoming).
(8) "The Limit and Limitations of Capital: The Roots of Marx’s View in Hegel’s Logic," in Metaphysics of Capital: On Methodological Exposition in Hegel and Marx, ed. Pablo Pulgar Moya, London: Bloomsbury (forthcoming).
(9) "Is the Dyad or the Triad the Building Block of Society? Fichte vs. Simmel," in Fichte and Critical Theory, ed. Gabriel Gottlieb and Paul Giladi, London: Routledge (forthcoming).

- Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, 2022-24
- Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship, 2015-16