How do I declare a major or minor in Philosophy?
- Submit the Declaration of Major form with the Office of Undergraduate Education. The Declaration of Major/Minor form is accessible in OPUS under the Course Planning and Enrollment Tile.
- You will receive a confirmation email from the registrar.
- Review the degree requirements checklist to determine if you have any questions. If you do have questions, schedule a meeting with Dr. Jessica Wahman.
- Congratulations and welcome to the Philosophy Department!
Can I choose my advisor?
Yes! As a major you can choose any faculty member in the department as your advisor. Simply contact the faculty member you would like as an advisor. You can find the email addresses here. You may also contact the DUS Prof. Wahman for advice.
Who is the contact person for undergraduate questions and concerns?
The Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) is Jessica Wahman. She is best reached via e-mail, although you may also call her in her office at 404-727-4724 (112 Bowden Hall).
For forms, signatures, and other general information, please see the Undergraduate Coordinator: Parker Ciliax, 404-727-5382 (214 Bowden Hall).
Which study abroad courses will satisfy my requirements for a philosophy major or minor?
Contact the Office of International and Summer Programs (OISP). You can also contact the DUS Dr. Jessica Wahman. For equivalencies, contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies once you know which course(s) you will be taking, sending a description and/or syllabus for each course. The DUS will then determine the Emory equivalent course/credit, and inform the Study Abroad office to this effect.
Am I eligible for the Honors program in Philosophy?
Honors at Emory is a year-long program pursued during your last two semesters at Emory. Honors in Philosophy is open to students with an overall GPA of 3.7 or higher at the end of their junior year. (Students can petition to join the Honors program if their GPA is between 3.45-3.699). Each spring, the department's Honors Coordinator holds an information session for juniors interested in pursuing honors in their senior year. The DUS will announce this meeting via the majors' listserv. You are welcome to contact either the DUS, Jessica Wahman, or interim Honors Coordinator, Dilek Huseyinzadegan, with any specific questions.
What are the requirements for Phi Sigma Tau, the Philosophy Honor Society?
Phi Sigma Tau, Beta Chapter of Georgia, requires of all candidates for admission:
- five courses in Philosophy taken at Emory;
- a minimum GPA of 3.5 in all philosophy courses taken at Emory;
- a minimum overall GPA of 3.2.
Eligible students are contacted by the Faculty sponsor of Phi Sigma Tau, Beta Chapter of Georgia, in March or early April of each year. The induction ceremony is held in the Philosophy Department during the last week of classes in the Spring.
What if I have a problem with a grade I've received in a course?
You should begin by contacting the professor who taught the course. Except under a few very rare circumstances (such as a violation of the Honor Code), not even the President of the University can change a grade.
What awards does the Philosophy Department have for undergraduates?
- The Paul Kuntz Award, given annually to the outstanding graduating senior in Philosophy;
- The Charles Hartshorne Prize, awarded annually to the outstanding essay submitted in an undergraduate Philosophy course at Emory (most entries are by nomination of professor; self-nominations are also welcome – watch for an announcement in the Spring).

Jessica Wahman
Teaching Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies
Amy WalkerProgram Coordinator, Finance
The primary contact for department finances and handles:
- Manages the finances of the department
- Faculty reimbursements
- Budgeting
- Financial reporting