Philosophy Course Spotlight
Common Course Offerings
PHIL 100 - Basic Problems in Philosophy
This course surveys basic problems in philosophy, such as questions concerning truth, knowledge, justice, beauty, and the good.
PHIL - 110 - Introduction to Logic
Study of correct reasoning, including the recognition, analysis, and criticism of arguments; relevant topics include informal fallacies, syllogistic reasoning, and systems of deduction.
PHIL 115 - Introduction to Ethics
Introductory examination of fundamental moral questions, such as the best way of life for a human being, the relationship between happiness and moral excellence, and the nature of ethical reasoning, as treated by major philosophers in the history of philosophy.
PHIL 116 - Intro to Bioethics
This course is an introduction to the central questions of biomedical ethics, such as end-of-life issues, abortion, and justice in the distribution of health care.
PHIL 200W - Ancient Greek and Medieval Philosophy
PHIL 202W - Renaissance and Modern Philosophy
204W - 19th and 20th Century Philosophy
PHIL 220W - History of Political Philosophy
Surveys key texts in political philosophy, including ancient, early modern, 19th and 20th century sources. Key issues include the nature of the just state and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
PHIL 300 - Metaphysics and Epistemology
An inquiry into fundamental questions in epistemology and metaphysics, with special attention to how problems in one area impacts problems in the other. The course will include texts from various historical periods, providing students with some sense of philosophical questions evolve over time.Philosophy course.
PHIL 321 - Philosophy of Law
Nature of law and justice; relation of law to ethics and custom; the limits of law; and problems of coercion and unjust law.
PHIL 400W - Topics in Ancient Greek Philosophy
This course considers in depth a particular fact of Ancient Greek Philosophy, building upon the survey offered in PHIL 200. For example, a topics course might focus on Ancient Greek Ethics, Epistemology, Metaphysics, or Political Philosophy among others.
PHIL 412W - Pragmatism
This course surveys important perspectives, ideas, and theories in the writings of major American writers. It will focus on pragmatism as developed by such thinkers as Charles Peirce, William James, John Dewey, and George Herbert Mead.
PHIL 440W - Philosophy of Mind
We often say we "have" a mind or body, which raises questions. Are they separate? How do they interact? And who are "we" if we possess them? This course concerns the nature of the mind, consciousness, and the body, as well relationships among the mental, the physiological, and the world.