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History of Philosophy

The study of the history of philosophy has been a long-time strength of Emory’s philosophy department. We regard it as integral to philosophical inquiry and as a stand-alone field of study, where faculty members explore and assess the historical lineage of problems and positions, as well the overall character, development, and influence of key figures.

Multiple figures and traditions orient current research projects, including Aristotle, Emerson, existentialism, German Idealism and Romanticism, Hegel, Hobbes, James, Kant, Plato, pragmatism, Santayana, Sartre, Spinoza, Vico, and transcendentalism.

Various methodologies orient this research, including deconstruction, genealogy, hermeneutics, historicism, and post-colonial and de-colonial theory.

Selected Publications

Jeremy Bell. “ Toil-Loving Soul: On Sleep, Dreams, and the Forgetting of Self.” Knowledge and Ignorance of Self in Platonic Philosophy, James Ambury & Andrew German, Eds. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming
Jeremy Bell. “The Coherence of Socrates’ Mission.” International Philosophical Quarterly 56:3. 2015. 101-118
Dilek Huseyinzadegan.  “Kant’s Political Zweckmässigkeit” Kantian Review 20/3. (2015): 421-44
Dilek Huseyinzadegan. “Hegel’s Radicalization of Kantian Dualisms: The Debate between Kant and Hegel.” Hegel-Jahrbuch 21 (2015): 155-60
John LysakerEmerson and Thoreau: Figures of Friendship (Indiana University Press, 2010 — Edited with Bill Rossi)
Andrew J. Mitchell. “The Botany of Romanticism: Goethe, Hegel, Schelling.” Comparative and Continental Philosophy 8: 3. 2016. 315-28
Andrew J. Mitchell. “The Coming of History: Heidegger and Nietzsche Against the Present.” Continental Philosophy Review 46. 2013. 395–411
John J. Stuhr. “A permanência da mudança: Empédocles, Dewey e dois tipos de metafísicas pluralistas de força” (“The Permanence of Change:  Empedocles, Dewey, and Two Kinds of Pluralist Metaphysics of Force”). Cognitio: Revista de Filosofia, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2016. 349-362
John J. Stuhr, Ed., 100 Years of Pragmatism:  William James’s Revolutionary Philosophy, Indiana University Press, 2010.
George Yancy, "Through the Crucible of Pain and Suffering: African American Philosophy as a Gift and the Countering of the Western Philosophical Metanarrative," Educational Philosophy and Theory (2015)

Recent Courses

520 Renaissance Philosophy and the Humanist Tradition 
524 Descartes and Spinoza 
524 Leibniz
525 Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (Huseyinzadegan)
525 Kant's Critique of Judgment (Huseyinzadegan)
531 Fichte, Schelling, Hegel (Mitchell)
531 Hegel's Phenomenology
541 Arendt (McAfee)
541 Heidegger's Being & Time (Mitchell)
551 Cosmopolitanism (Stuhr)
789 Dialectics and Four French Philosophers 
789 Peirce, James, and the Origins of Pragmatism (Stuhr)