Continental Philosophy
At Emory, “continental philosophy” is as much a set of philosophical orientations as it is an area of study wherein faculty members critically explore and assess figures and traditions that have emerged across Europe’s late 18th, 19th and 20th Centuries, at times in relation to other philosophical periods and traditions, including American philosophy as well as ancient philosophy.
Figures of ongoing concern include Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Cassirer, Adorno, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Arendt, Foucault, Deleuze, and Kristeva. (Our affiliated faculty also bring expertise in Benjamin, Derrida, Foucault, and Levinas.)
More broadly, faculty also work with traditions such as critical social theory, existentialism, French feminism, German idealism, German romanticism, phenomenology, post-structuralism, and psychoanalysis.
Selected Publications
Jeremy Bell and Michael Nass, Eds. Plato’s Animals: Gadflies, Horses, Swans, and Other Philosophical Beasts. Indiana University Press, 2015.
Dilek Huseyinzadegan. “Between Necessity and Contingency: A Critical Philosophy of History in Adorno & Horkheimer’s Dialectic of Enlightenment.” Epoché. 2017.
Noëlle McAfee. “Kristeva’s Latent Political Philosophy,” Library of Living Philosophers: Julia Kristeva, Summer 2020.
Noëlle McAfee. “Inner Experience and Worldly Revolt: Arendt’s Bearings on Kristeva’s Project,” Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 2014, Vol. 22(2): 26-35.
Noëlle McAfee. Democracy and the Political Unconscious, Columbia University Press, 2008.
Andrew J. Mitchell. “Rethinking Thinking: Heidegger in the 1950s.” Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 8: 1. 2017. 115–29.
Andrew J. Mitchell. The Fourfold: Reading the Late Heidegger. Northwestern University Press, 2015.
John J. Stuhr. "Pragmatism and Difference: What’s the Use of Calling Deleuze a Pragmatist?” Deleuze and Pragmatism. eds. P. Patton, S. Bagnall, and S. Bowden. Routledge, 2014.
John J. Stuhr, “Radical Empiricisms: Deleuze and James,” Contemporary Pragmatism, forthcoming 2022.
John J. Stuhr, “Weatherlessness: Affect, Mood, Temperament, the Death of the Will, and Politics,” disClosure: A Journal of Social Theory, vol. 28, 2020.
George Yancy, "Forms of Spatial and Textual Alienation: The Lived Experience of Philosophy as Occlusion." Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 35:1-2: 2014, 7-22
Recent Courses
540 Merleau-Ponty540 Sartre and Foucault
540 Heidegger and Holderlin (Mitchell)
541 Foucault's The Order of Things
541 Arendt (McAfee)
541 Heidegger's Reading of Nietzsche (Mitchell)
541 Deleuze (Stuhr)
541 Radical Empiricism and Geneaology (Stuhr)
554 Critical Theory (Sullivan)
556 Cassirer
556 Phenomenology
556 Phenomenology and Race (Yancy)
789 Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Political Philosophy (McAfee)
789 Irigaray & Kristeva (McAfee)
789 Bergson, James, and Anti-Intellectualism (Stuhr)